PLEASE READ: This list is provided to assist writers in identifying the publications in this project by genre. As with any attempt to do this, the organizers occasionally find themselves trying to put a square peg in a round hole. Users should use this list as a guideline to appropriate resources for their work, but should not rely strictly on these classifications. Reading the publication guidelines and a few previously published works is still the best way to understand what an editor is looking for.
Categories on this page
- Open to Most
- Other
- Poetry
Open to Most (Poetry has its own heading)
- (mac)ro(mic) (ceased publication)
- 34 Orchard
- 3elements Review
- 100 Word Story
- 500 Miles Magazine (ceased publication)
- 1000words (ceased publication)
- -ality (ceased publication)
- (Short) Fiction Collective (ceased publication)
- Abandon Journal
- After the Art (essay only)
- Agnes and True
- A Bad Penny Review (ceased publication)
- A Quiet Courage (ceased publication)
- Abstract Magazine (ceased publication)
- Across the Margin
- After the Pause
- All Things That Matter Press (bks)
- Alphabet Box
- Alyss (ceased publication)
- Amethyst Review
- Ampersand Books
- Ancient Paths Lit Mag
- Aniko Press
- Angry Gable Press
- Anodyne Magazine
- Aôthen Magazine
- Aphelion
- Apocrypha and Abstractions (ceased publication)
- Apricity Press
- Aquillrelle (ceased publication)
- Archive of the Odd
- Ariel Chart
- Ark Review (environmental focus)
- Arsenic Lobster Poetry Journal, The (ceased publication)
- Astraea Press (bks)
- Augur Magazine
- Back Patio Press
- Backchannels
- Bad-Ass Faeries Anthology (ceased publication)
- BALLOONS Literary Review (readers age 12+)
- Banshee Journal
- Barge Press (ceased publication)
- Bear Review
- Bethlehem Writers Roundtable
- Bindweed Magazine
- Biographical Publishing
- Black Denim Lit (ceased publication)
- Black Heart Magazine (ceased publication)
- Blank Fiction (ceased publication)
- Blinders Literary Review (ceased publication)
- Blink-Ink
- bloodbathhate magazine
- Blue Marble Review
- Blue Monday Review (ceased publication)
- Bodega
- Boston Access Lit
- Bougainville Road (ceased publication)
- Brave Voices
- Breath & Shadow
- Brilliant Flash Fiction
- Broken Pencil
- Buffalo Almanack (ceased publication)
- BULL Men’s Fiction
- Bunbury Magazine
- Burner Magazine
- Burnt Bridge
- Cactus Heart (ceased publication)
- Cafe Aphra (Ceased publication)
- cahoodaloodaling
- Calamus Journal (Ceased publication)
- Carmina Magazine
- CarpeArte Journal
- Cat on a Leash
- Cats with Thumbs (ceased publication)
- cc&d magazine
- Cecile's Writers Magazine
- Centaur (hybrid)
- Cervena Barva Press (bks)
- Channel Magazine
- Chantwood Magazine (ceased publication)
- Cheap Pop
- Cheek Teeth (ceased publication)
- Chronically Lit
- Cicerone Journal
- CircleShow
- Clever Magazine
- Claw & Blossom
- Clover & White
- CLOVES Literary
- CommuterLit
- Complete Sentence
- Control Lit (ceased publication)
- Construction Magazine
- Copperfield Review, The (must have historical element)
- Cotton Xenomorph
- Counterexample Poetics (ceased publication)
- Crab Fat Literary Magazine
- Crossed Out Magazine (ceased publication)
- Crossways
- Crow & Cross Keys
- CultureCult
- Curious Curls Publishing (bks)
- Dark Passions Magazine
- Dark Sky Magazine (ceased publication)
- DarkWinter Literary Magazine
- Dead Beats (ceased publication)
- Dead Fern Press
- Dead Housekeeping (ceased publication)
- Deadly Drabble Tuesdays
- Decades Review (ceased publication)
- Defunkt Magazine
- Death Head Grin (ceased publication)
- Dew on the Kudzu (ceased publication)
- Diet Milk Magazine
- Digging Through the Fat
- Dime Show Review
- Dinosaur Bees
- District Lit
- Divertir Publishing (bks)
- Donut Factory (ceased publication)
- Down in the Dirt
- Drunk Monkeys
- Drunken Pen Writing
- Easy Street (ceased publication)
- Eclectica Magazine
- eFiction (ceased publication)
- Eirelander Publishing (ceased publication)
- Elbow Pads (ceased publication)
- Embark
- Empty Oaks (ceased publication)
- Escaped Ink
- Estuary (ceased publication)
- Eunoia Review
- Evening Street Review
- Every Day Fiction
- Fabula Argentea
- Fahmidan
- Far Enough East (ceased publication)
- Fashion for Collapse (ceased publication)
- Fatal Flaw Literary Magazine
- Festival Writer
- FreedomFiction (ceased publication)
- fingers comma toes (young authors)
- First Stop Fiction (ceased publication)
- Fish Barrel Review
- Five River Publishing (bks)
- Fix it Broken (ceased publication)
- FlapperHouse (ceased publication)
- flash & cinder (ceased publication)
- Flash Fiction Magazine
- Flash Fiction Online
- Flash Frog
- Flash Frontier
- Fleeting Books (ceased publication)
- Flywheel Magazine (ceased publication)
- For the Sonorous (ceased publication)
- Four Ties Lit Review
- Foxglove Journal
- Foyer Magazine
- Fractal Novels (ceased publication)
- Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review (ceased publication)
- Free Flash Fiction (ceased publication)
- Free State Review
- freeze frame fiction (ceased publication)
- Freight Stories (ceased publication)
- Fried Chicken and Coffee
- Full House Literary Magazine
- Full of Crow (ceased publication)
- Futures Trading
- Gathering Storm Magazine (ceased publication)
- Gemini Magazine
- GlassFire Magazine (ceased publication)
- Gloom Cupboard
- Gold Wake Press (bks)
- God's Cruel Joke
- Golden Walkman Magazine
- Gone Lawn (ceased publication)
- Grievous Angel (ceased publication)
- GUD (ceased publication)
- Gypsy Shadow Publishing (bks)
- H.A.L. Publishing (ceased publication)
- Haunted Words Press
- Haven Speculative
- Headway Quarterly
- Heart & Mind Zine (ceased publication)
- Heart of Flesh
- Heartland Society of Woman Writers
- Hecate Magazine
- Heimat Review
- HerStory (personal essays)
- Honeyguide Literary Magazine
- Houston & Nomadic Voices Magazine (ceased publication)
- Hoxie Gorge Review
- Hub City Press (bks)
- Human Noise Journal (ceased publication)
- Hypertrophic Literary
- Inch Magazine
- indicia
- Indigo Rising Magazine (ceased publication)
- Indigo Literary Journal
- Ink In Thirds
- Ink Monkey Magazine (ceased publication)
- Ink Sweat & Tears
- Inklette
- Intellectual Refuge (ceased publication)
- International Human Rights Art Festival (IHRAF)
- International Human Rights Art Festival (IHRAF) - Youth
- Interpret Magazine
- Into the Void
- J Journal
- Jersey Devil Press
- Johnny America
- Kelp Journal
- Killing the Angel (ceased publication)
- Kudzu House Quarterly (ceased publication)
- KYSO Flash (ceased publication)
- Lakeview International Journal of Literature and Arts (ceased publication)
- Leopardskin & Limes
- Levee Magazine
- Ligeia Magazine
- Lightning Key Review
- Limelight Review
- Liminoid Magazine
- Lit Up Magazine
- Literary Cocktail Magazine
- Literary Mama
- Literary Orphans
- LITnIMAGE (ceased publication)
- Litro Magazine
- Little Patuxent Review
- long con magazine
- Longship Press/Nostos
- Lost Pen Magazine
- Loud Coffee Press
- Lucky Jefferson
- Lunate
- Louffa Press (bks)
- Mad Hatters’ Review (ceased publication)
- Maelstrom (ceased publication)
- Manic D Press (bks)
- Maudlin House
- Manzano Mountain Review
- Meat for Tea: The Valley Review
- Mehfil
- Meniscus Literary Journal
- Mercurial Stories
- Microstory a Week (ceased publication)
- MiCrow (ceased publication)
- Mid-level Management Literary Magazine
- Milk Sugar (ceased publication)
- Miniature Magazine (ceased publication)
- Mischievous Muse Press (ceased publication)
- Mixitini Matrix (ceased publication)
- Moledo (ceased publication)
- Mom Egg Review
- Monkeybicycle
- Moonchild Magazine
- MoonPark Review
- mosh lit
- MumberMag
- Muscadine Lines (ceased publication)
- Near to the Knuckle
- Necessary Fiction
- Negative Suck (ceased publication)
- New Zenith Magazine
- No Contact Mag
- NOMADartx Review
- Noncanon Press (ceased publication)
- Nurture
- -Ology (ceased publication)
- Okay Donkey Magazine
- Old Pal Magazine
- Olentangy Review (ceased publication)
- On the Premises
- Open Road Review
- Orangepeel Literary and Visual Arts Magazine
- Orion's Belt
- Our Day's Encounter
- Our Stories (ceased publication)
- Outlook Springs
- Out of Print Magazine
- Palooka
- Paper Tape (ceased publication)
- Peach Velvet Magazine
- Peacock Journal (ceased publication)
- Peeking Cat Poetry Magazine
- pennyshorts
- People Holding
- perhappened magazine
- Phenomenal Literature
- Pigeon Review
- Pine Hills Review
- Pirene’s Fountain
- Postbox Magazine
- Pound of Flash
- Printer's Devil Review (ceased publication)
- Printed Words
- PRISM international
- Propagule
- Prospectus: a Lit Offering
- Provenance Journal
- Punchnel's (ceased publication)
- PULP Literature
- Punk Monk
- Pure Coincidence (ceased publication)
- Pure Slush
- Raconteur Magazine
- Ramingo's Porch
- Red Fez (ceased publication)
- Re-side
- Red Paint Hill Publishing (ceased publication)
- Referential Magazine (ceased publication)
- Rejected Manuscripts
- Remington Review
- Right Hand Pointing
- River Poets Journal
- Rock Salt Journal
- Rose Metal Press (bks)
- Rosebud
- Rune Bear
- Rural Fiction Magazine
- Sci Phi Journal
- Science Write Now
- Scrawl Space
- Seaside Gothic
- Second Chance Lit
- Selcouth Station
- Sequestrum
- SERIAL Magazine
- Seven by Twenty (ceased publication)
- Severine
- Shabby Doll House (ceased publication)
- SHANTIH Journal
- Short, Fast and Deadly (ceased publication)
- Skeleton Beetle (ceased publication)
- Sledgehammer Lit
- Slippage (ceased publication)
- Slush Pile Magazine
- Small Po[r]tions (ceased publication)
- Smashed Cat Magazine (ceased publication)
- Snail Mail Review (ceased publication)
- Soft Cartel Magazine (ceased publication)
- Solarpunk Magazine
- Sonic Boom
- Space City Underground
- Spark to Flame
- Split Lip Magazine
- Splonk
- Squalorly
- Star 82 Review
- Stone Highway (ceased publication)
- Stone Soup (young authors)
- Story Unlikely
- Storyacious (ceased publication)
- streetcake magazine
- Structo
- Structural Damage (ceased publication)
- Sukoon
- Sublunary Review
- Summerhouse Publishing (ceased publication)
- Sundog Lit
- Superfroot
- Susurrus
- Synaesthesia Magazine (ceased publication)
- Synchronized Chaos
- Tallow Eider Quarterly (ceased publication)
- Tethered by Letters (ceased publication)
- The 504 Podcast
- The Abstract Quill (ceased publication)
- The Adroit Journal
- The Affair (ceased publication)
- The Avenue
- The Bangalore Review
- The Bitchin' Kitsch
- The Blotter
- The Boiler
- The Bookends Review
- The Blue Nib (ceased publication)
- The Broken City
- The Chamber Magazine
- The Coachella Review
- The Corner Club Press (ceased publication)
- The Cossack Review (ceased publication)
- The Disappointed Housewife
- The Doctor T.J. Eckleburg Review
- The Ekphrastic Review
- The Fable Online (ceased publication)
- The Feathered Flounder (ceased publication)
- The Fiction Pool
- The Fictional Cafe
- The First Line
- The Flash Fiction Press (ceased publication)
- The Four Quarters Magazine (ceased publication)
- The Furious Gazelle
- The Globe Review
- The Hellroaring Review (ceased publication)
- The Hooghly Review
- The Hyacinth Review
- The Knight's Literary Magazine
- The Inflectionist Review
- The Legendary
- The Linnet’s Wings
- The Lit Nerds
- The Literatus
- The Lunar Journal
- The Maine Review
- The Metaworker
- The Milo Review (ceased publication)
- The Missing Slate (ceased publication)
- The Molotov Cocktail
- The Monarch Review
- The Nassau Review
- The Oddville Press
- The Paragon Journal (ceased publication)
- The Pine Cone Review
- The Prompt
- The Provo Canyon Review (ceased publication)
- The Racket
- The Q&A Queer Zine
- The Salon (ceased publication)
- The Shallow Tale Review
- The Squawk Back (ceased publication)
- The Story Shack
- The Storyteller (ceased publication)
- The Summerset Review
- The Sunlit Press
- The Tishman Review (ceased publication)
- The Tusculum Review
- The Twin Bill
- The Umbrella Factory
- The UNIverse Journal
- The View From Here (ceased publication)
- The Violet Hour
- The Vitni Review
- The Weekenders Magazine (ceased publication)
- The Wellington Street Review
- The West Review
- The Whistling Fire (ceased publication)
- The Writing Disorder
- Thick Jam (ceased publication)
- Thieves Jargon (ceased publication)
- Timeless Tales Magazine
- Tint Journal
- Tiny Molecules
- Toad (ceased publication)
- Toasted Cheese
- Trachodon (ceased publication)
- trash to treasure lit
- Treehouse Magazine (ceased publication)
- Truffle Magazine
- Twin Pines Literary
- Twist and Twain
- Twisted Vine Literary Arts Journal
- Unbroken (poetic prose)
- Uncharted Frontier Ezine (ceased publication)
- UnCut (ceased publication)
- Underground Voices (ceased publication)
- Unfortunately, a lit mag (for previously rejected works)
- Unleash Lit
- Unlikely Story (ceased publication)
- Uno Kudo (ceased publication)
- Unsung Stories
- Untied Shoelaces of the Mind (ceased publication)
- Untreed Reads (bks)
- Used Furniture Review (ceased publication)
- Utopia Science Fiction
- Vestal Review
- V. Press
- Vademecum Magazine
- Vanilla Heart Publishing (ceased publication)
- Variety Pack
- Vending Machine Press
- Volney Road Review
- WayWords
- weirderary (ceased publication)
- Weirdyear (ceased publication)
- West Trestle Review
- What the Fiction (ceased publication)
- Whale Road Review
- WhiskeyPaper (ceased publication)
- White Enso (must reflect Japanese experience)
- Wild Violet
- Winter Tangerine Review
- Witcraft
- Wood Cat Review
- Word Gumbo (ceased publication)
- Wordrunner echapbooks (bks)
- Worthing Flash
- Writer Advice
- Writing Tomorrow (ceased publication)
- Wrong Turn Lit
- Yellow Chair Review (ceased publication)
- YoYo Magazine (ceased publication)
- Young Ravens Literary Review
- Z-composition (ceased publication)
- Zero Flash
- 69 Flavors of Paranoia (ceased publication)
- Brevity (ceased publication)
- Eastern Iowa Review
- Enchanted Conversations
- Kitchen (ceased publication)
- Midnight Screaming (ceased publication)
- Yellow Mama
Paranormal (others may be listed under speculative fiction)
- Eirelander Publishing (ceased publication)
- 3 Moon Publishing (speculative fiction0
- 34 Orchard
- 3elements Review
- 5X5
- 500 Miles Magazine (ceased publication)
- 96th of October (speculative fiction)
- A Bad Penny Review (ceased publication)
- A Quiet Courage (ceased publication)
- A-Minor Magazine
- Abandon Journal
- above/ground press
- Absey & Co (ceased publication)
- Abstract Magazine (ceased publication)
- Abyss and Apex
- Across the Margin
- After the Art
- After the Pause
- Aji Magazine
- All Things That Matter Press (bks)
- Alphabet Box
- Alyss
- Amethyst Review
- Ampersand Books (bks)
- Ancient Paths Lit Mag
- Anderbo
- Angry Gable Press
- Aniko Press
- Anobium (ceased publication)
- Anodyne Magazine
- Aôthen Magazine
- Apeiron ReviewAniko(ceased publication)
- Apex Magazine
- Apiary
- Apricity Press
- Apparition Lit
- Apple Valley Review
- Aquillrelle (ceased publication)
- Ariel Chart
- Arsenic Lobster Poetry Journal, The (ceased publication)
- Arte Publico Press (bks)
- Artifice Magazine (ceased publication)
- Augur Magazine
- Auroras & Blossoms Poetry Journal
- Autumn House Press (bks)
- Back Patio Press
- Backchannels
- BALLOONS Literary Review (readers age 12+)
- Banshee Journal
- Beir Bua
- Bethlehem Writers Roundtable
- Bete Noir (ceased publication)
- Bicoastal Review
- Bindweed Magazine
- Black Heart Magazine (ceased publication)
- Black Petals
- Blinders Literary Review (ceased publication)
- Blink Ink
- bloodbathhate magazine
- Bloodbond
- Blue Marble Review
- Blue Monday Review (ceased publication)
- Bodega
- Bone Orchard Poetry (ceased publication)
- Boston Literary Magazine
- Brave New Word
- Brave Voices
- Breath & Shadow
- Broadsided Press
- Bunbury Magazine
- Burnt Bridge (ceased publication)
- Cactus Heart (ceased publication)
- Cafe Aphra (ceased publication)
- Cake Train Journal and Press (ceased publication)
- Calidum (ceased publication)
- Camroc Press Review (ceased publication)
- Caper Literary Journal (ceased publication)
- Calamus Journal (ceased publication)
- Carmina Magazine
- CarpeArte Journal
- Cat on a Leash
- Cats with Thumbs (ceased publication)
- cc&d magazine
- Cervena Barva Press (bks)
- Cha
- Channel Magazine
- Chantwood Magazine
- Cicatrix Publishing
- Circa: A Literary Review (ceased publication)
- Cicerone Journal
- CircleShow
- Claw & Blossom
- Clockwise Cat
- Clover & White
- CommuterLit
- Constellations
- Contrary Magazine
- Control Lit (ceased publication)
- Construction Magazine
- Copperfield Review, The (must have historical element)
- Corium
- Cotton Xenomorph
- Counterclock Journal
- Counterexample Poetics (ceased publication)
- Crab Creek Review
- Crab Fat Literary Magazine
- Crack The Spine
- Crossways
- Crow & Cross Keys
- CultureCult
- Curious Curls Publishing (bks)
- Dark Passions Magazine
- DarkWinter Library Magazine
- Dead Beats (ceased publication)
- dcomP
- Dead Fern Press
- Decades Review (ceased publication)
- Defunkt Magazine
- Dialogual (ceased publication)
- Diet Milk Magazine
- Digging Through the Fat
- Dime Show Review
- Dinosaur Bees (CP)
- District Lit
- Diverse Voices Quarterly (ceased publication)
- Dodging The Rain
- Donut Factory
- Easy Street (ceased publication)
- Emerge Literary Journal
- Estuary (ceased publication)
- Eunoia Review
- Evening Street Review
- Fahmidan
- Far Enough East (ceased publication)
- Fatal Flaw Literary Magazinew
- fingers comma toes (young authors)
- Fish Barrel Review
- FlapperHouse (ceased publication)
- flash & cinder (ceased publication)
- Fleeting Magazine (ceased publication)
- Flywheel Magazine (ceased publication)
- Found Poetry Review (ceased publication)
- For the Sonorous (ceased publication)
- Four Ties Lit Review (ceased publication)
- Foxglove Journal
- Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review (ceased publication)
- Free State Review
- Frigg
- Fringe (ceased publication)
- Front Porch Review
- Frost Zone Zine
- Fur-Lined Ghettos (ceased publication)
- Full House Literary Magazine
- Futures Trading
- Gamut Magazine (ceased publication)
- Gathering Storm Magazine (ceased publication)
- Gigantic Sequins
- GlassFire Magazine (ceased publication)
- Gloom Cupboard
- God's Cruel Joke
- Gold Wake Press (bks)
- Golden Walkman Magazine
- Gone Lawn (ceased publication)
- Grievous Angel (ceased publication)
- GUD (ceased publication)
- Gyroscope Review
- H.A.L. Publishing (ceased publication)
- Harbor Review
- Haunted Words Press
- Haven Speculative
- Headway Quarterly
- Heart & Mind Zine (ceased publication)
- Heart of Flesh
- Heartland Society of Women Writers
- Hecate Magazine
- Heimat Review
- Helios (ceased publication)
- Hermeneutic Chaos (ceased publication)
- Hinnom Magazine (ceased publication)
- Honeyguide Literary Magazine
- Houston & Nomadic Voices Magazine (ceased publication)
- Hoxie Gorge Review
- Hub City Press (bks)
- Human Noise Journal (ceased publication)
- Hypertrophic Literary
- Hynopomp Magazine
- Imitation Fruit Literary Journal
- Inch Magazine
- indicia
- Indigo Literary Journal
- Ink In Thirds
- Ink Monkey Magazine
- Ink Sweat & Tears
- Inklette
- International Human Rights Art Festival (IHRAF)
- International Human Rights Art Festival (IHRAF) - Youth
- Interpret Magazine
- Into the Void
- J Journal
- Journ-E
- jmww
- Jokes Review
- Juked
- Levee Magazine
- Limelight Review
- Literary Mama
- Longship Press/Nostos
- Lost Pen Magazine
- Lucky Jefferson
- Kaaterskill Basin Literary Journal (ceased publication)
- Kelp Journal
- Killing the Angel (ceased publication)
- Kitchen (ceased publication)
- Kudzu House Quarterly (ceased publication)
- KYSO Flash (ceased publication)
- Leopardskin & Limes
- Ligeia Magazine
- Liquid Imagination (ceased publication)
- Lit Up Magazine
- Literary Cocktail Magazine
- Literary Juice (ceased publication)
- Little Patuxent Review
- long con magazine
- Lost in Thought
- Loud Coffee Press
- Lunate
- Lyrical Passion (ceased publication)
- Maelstrom (ceased publication)
- Magnolia’s Press (ceased publication)
- Magnum Opus Anthology (submission deadline 12/1/18)
- Manic D Press (bks)
- Matter Press (bks)
- Milk Journal (ceased publication)
- Meat for Tea: The Valley Review
- MediaVirus Magazine (ceased publication)
- Mehfil
- Melancholy Hyperbole (ceased publication)
- Melusine (ceased publication)
- Meniscus Literary Journal
- microcosms (ceased publication)
- MiCrow (ceased publication)
- Mid-level Management Literary Magazine
- Midnight Screaming (ceased publication)
- Milk Sugar (ceased publication)
- Miniature Magazine (midnight magazine)
- Mixitini Matrix (ceased publication)
- Moledro (ceased publication)
- Mom Egg Review
- Monkeybicycle
- Moonchild Magazine
- MoonPark Review
- Moss Puppy
- Mud Season Review
- Mumber Mag
- Murky Depths (ceased publication)
- Muzzle
- Nameless Digest
- Naugatuck River Review
- Negative Suck (ceased publication)
- Neon Literary Magazine
- New Zenith Magazine
- Nightblade Fantasy and Horror Magazine (ceased publication)
- Nurture
- No Contact Mag
- NOMADartz Review
- NonBinary Review (ceased publication)
- Not Deer Magazine
- Okay Donkey Magazine
- Old Pal Magazine
- Olentangy Review (ceased publication)
- -Ology (ceased publication)
- On The Veranda (ceased publication)
- Open Road Review (ceased publication)
- Orangepeel Literary and Visual Arts Magazine
- Orion's Belt
- Our Day's Encounter
- Outlook Springs Magazine
- Palooka
- PANK (ceased publication)
- Panoply
- Phantom Drift
- Phenomenal Literature
- Paper Nautilus
- Peach Velvet Magazine
- Peacock Journal (ceased publication)
- Peeking Cat Poetry Magazine
- perhappened magazine
- Pilcrow & Dagger
- Pine Hills Review
- Pirene's Fountain
- Poetic Muselings
- Poetry Pacific
- Popshot Magazine
- Potroast (ceased publication)
- Press 53
- Prick of the Spindle (ceased publication)
- Primalzine (ceased publication)
- Prime Number Magazine
- Printer's Devil Review (ceased publication)
- Printed Words
- Prospectus: a Lit Offering
- Provenance Journal
- Punchnel's (ceased publication)
- Punk Monk Magazine
- Pure Coincidence (ceased publication)
- Pure Slush
- PYRAMID Editions
- Quartet Journal (women 50+)
- r.kv.r.y
- Ramingo's Porch
- Rat's Ass Review
- Rattle
- Really System
- Red Booth Review
- Red Fez
- Red Paint Hill Publishing
- Re-side
- Referential Magazine
- Rejected Manuscripts
- Remington Review
- Right Hand Pointing (ceased publication)
- River Poets Journal
- Rock Salt Journal
- RockPaperPoem
- Rockvale Review
- Rogue Agent
- Rosebud
- Rune Bear
- Rural Fiction Magazine
- Science Write Now
- Scrawl Space
- Seaside Gothic
- Second Chance Lit
- Severine
- Shabby Doll House (ceased publication)
- Shadowgraph Magazine
- SHANTIH Journal (ceased publication)
- Siren (ceased publication)
- Skeleton Beetle (ceased publication)
- Sledgehammer Lit
- Sleet Magazine (ceased publication)
- Slippage (ceased publication)
- Slush Pile Magazine
- Smories (ceased publication)
- Snail Mail Review (ceased publication)
- Soft Cartel Magazine (ceased publication)
- Solarpunk Magazine
- Souvenir
- Space City Underground
- Space Lime Zine
- Spark
- Spark to Flame
- Spillway (ceased publication)
- Spinozablue
- Spirit's Tincture
- Spot Literary Magazine (ceased publication)
- Squalorly
- Star 82 Review
- Stoked Journal (ceased publication)
- Stone Highway (ceased publication)
- Stone Soup (young authors)
- Stoneboat Literary Journal
- Storm Cellar
- Storyacious (ceased publication)
- Straight Forward (ceased publication)
- Strangelet (ceased publication)
- streetcake magazine
- Structo Magazine
- Structural Damage (ceased publication)
- Sublunary Review
- Sukoon
- Superfroot
- Susurrus
- Synaesthesia Magazine (ceased publication)
- Synchronized Chaos
- Tahoma Literary Review
- Tallow Eider Quarterly (ceased publication)
- The 504 Podcast
- The Baltimore Review
- The Abstract Quill (ceased publication)
- The Adroit Journal
- The Bangalore Review
- The Bellevue Literary Review
- The Bitchin' Kitsch
- The Blue Nib (ceased publication)
- The Boiler
- The Bombay Review
- The Bookends Review
- The Camel Saloon (ceased publication)
- The Chamber Magazine
- The Coachella Review
- The Conium Review
- The Corner Club Press (ceased publication)
- The Cortland Review
- The Cossack Review (ceased publication)
- The Dark Shire
- The Disappointed Housewife
- The Ekphrastic Review
- The Emerson Review
- The Fable Online (ceased publication)
- The Fantastic Other
- The Feathered Flounder (ceased publication)
- The Fiction Pool
- The Fictional Cafe
- The Five-Two (Crime only)
- The Four Quarters Magazine (ceased publication)
- The Furious Gazelle
- The Globe Review
- The Golden Key
- The Great Ape (humor)
- The Hellroaring Review (ceased publication)
- The Hooghly Review
- The Horror Zine
- The Hyacinth Review
- The Inflectionist Review
- The Journal Of Compressed Creative Arts
- The Knight's Literary Magazine
- The Lake
- The Legendary
- The Linnet’s Wings
- The Literatus
- The Los Angeles Review
- The Lunar Journal
- The Maine Review
- The Meadowland Review (ceased publication)
- The Metaworker
- The Milo Review (ceased publication)
- The Missing Slate (ceased publication)
- The Monarch Review
- The Nassau Review
- The New Poet (ceased publication)
- The New Verse News
- The Oddville Press
- The Ofi Press Online Literary Magazine
- The Paragon Journal (ceased publication)
- The Passed Note
- The Pedestal
- The Penn Review
- The Pine Cone Review
- The Provo Canyon Review (ceased publication)
- The Q&A Queer Zine
- The Quarterday Review (ceased publication)
- The Racket
- The Salon (ceased publication)
- The Shallow Tale Review
- The Storyteller
- The Summerset Review
- The Sunlit Press
- The Tishman Review (ceased publication)
- The Toucan (ceased publication)
- The Tusculum Review
- The Twin Bill
- The Umbrella Factory
- The UNIverse Journal
- The View From Here
- The Violet Hour
- The Vitni Review
- The Weekenders Magazine (ceased publication)
- The Wellington Street Review
- The West Review
- The Whistling Fire (ceased publication)
- The Wilderness House Literary Review
- The Writing Disorder
- Thieves Jargon (ceased publication)
- These Fragile Lilacs (ceased publication)
- Tint Journal
- Timeless Tales Magazine
- Toad (ceased publication)
- Toasted Cheese
- trash to treasure lit
- Treehouse Magazine (ceased publication)
- Thrice Fiction (ceased publication)
- Twin Pies Literary
- Twisted Vine Literary Arts Journal
- Umbrella (ceased publication)
- Unbroken
- Uncharted Frontier Ezine (ceased publication)
- Underground Books
- Underground Voices (ceased publication)
- Unfortunately, a lit mag (previously rejected works)
- Unleash Lit
- Up The Staircase Quarterly
- upstreet (ceased publication)
- U.S. 1 Worksheets (ceased publication)
- Utopia Science Fiction
- V. Press
- Vademecum Magazine (ceased publication)
- Vagabond City
- Variety Pack
- VerbalArt
- Versal
- Virgogray Press (ceased publication)
- vis a tergo (ceased publication)
- Visceral Uterus
- Volney Road Review
- Walking is Still Honest (ceased publication)
- WayWords
- Weave (ceased publication)
- weirderary (ceased publication)
- West Trestle Review
- Whale Road Review
- Wild Violet
- Winter Tangerine Review
- With Painted Words
- Wordrunner echapbooks (bks)
- Wood Cat Review
- Word Gumbo
- Word Soup (ceased publication)
- Word Riot (ceased publication)
- Writing Tomorrow (ceased publication)
- Yellow Chair Review
- Young Ravens Literary Review
- YoYoMagazine (cease publication)
- Z-composition (ceased publication)
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