Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Six Questions for Sue Babcock, Non-fiction Editor and Business Manager for Liquid Imagination

Liquid Imagination publishes fantasy, horror, and science fiction stories and poetry and articles on writing. Beginning in May of 2010, the magazine will add literary fiction to each issue. The editors accept short stories from 200 to 5000 words. (Stories around 3000 words are preferred.) One aspect of Liquid Imagination that distinguishes it from other publications is its use of imagery, music, and voice to enhance the written work that appears on the site. 

(Ceased publicaiton)

SQF: Why did the editors start this magazine?

SB: The idea of merging different art forms—fiction, poetry, art, music, voice—so intrigued the founding publisher that he had to put together an online magazine just to see if he could do it.

I took over the rather daunting task of website building with Issue 4. I had no experience with websites, but the publisher was floundering and I thought, hey, I’ve programmed computers in the past, how hard could this be? Well—the answer is hard, but FUN!

We put Issue 5 up in January. As I’ve taken on more of the website building, the publisher has more time and energy to think ahead. (I promised I wouldn’t talk about him, but Liquid Imagination would not exist without John Arthur Miller, its enthusiastic publisher and founder.)

At first it was all writing and art. Even as we add music to our poetry and voice to our stories, we have even bigger plans for the future. I’m expanding my website creation and design skills, we’re expanding the arts beyond fiction, poetry, art, music and voice; we want to stay on the edge of the arts.

SQF: What kinds of non-fiction articles are you looking for and how do you select them?

SB: We seek articles about writing and about writing experiences. We also publish interviews with authors we think will interest our readers.

Articles can talk about what makes a good writer, what it is like to struggle day after day to put just the right words into a story, what makes a good story, a good plot, a good character. We also love articles about the creative process—ways to stimulate the right brain, ways to move ahead when you are stuck.

For most of the articles, we solicit them specifically for each issue. However, I am open to unsolicited articles as well.

SQF: Can anyone submit an article? How?

SB: Yes, anyone can submit an article. It’s something we don’t advertise much, because we prefer to concentrate on the fiction and poems. And how is a good question. An article can be sent to either of the fiction submission addresses. By including the words “submission” and “article” in the subject, it will find its way to me.

Obviously, something I need to consider is expanding the guidelines to include more information about articles and non-fiction submissions.

SQF: What advice can you offer a writer who wishes to submit to Liquid Imagination?

SB: For non-fiction, write an article about something you are credible to talk about. One of our regular non-fiction contributors is Right-Brain Coach Dare Kent. She has training and experience with helping people find their creative center, and I always enjoy her articles and her help. If you have self-publishing experience, write a strong, concise, advice-driven article about self-publishing. Show us how it is done. Provide information that may not be available to everyone. I’m not looking for generalities or fancy language. I want something that is accessible and clear.

SQF: Will you publish an article that has been previously posted on a personal blog?

SB: Yes. One of our other regular contributors, AJ Brown, writes an excellent blog, and we often cross publish him. And we’re happy to link back to the personal blog. But there must be a point to the article, and I like to know when an article has been previously published.

SQF: What one question on this topic do you wish I'd asked that I didn't? And how would you answer it?

SB: One question that comes to my mind is: why non-fiction in a magazine such as Liquid Imagination, which so strongly seeks creativity, intensity and awe in their poetry and fiction? My answer is that not only do we love to read and write, we want others to love it, too. And by publishing non-fiction articles related to the creative process, or to any phase of writing, we hope to encourage and educate authors to keep writing, to never give up, to write what they love, and to remember to read.

Thank you, Sue. We all appreciate you taking time from your busy schedule to participate in this project.

NEXT POST: 5/28--Six Questions for Chrissy Davis, Poetry Editor, Liquid Imagination

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