
Friday, March 24, 2017

Six Questions for Diane D. Gillette and A. A. Malina, Editors, Cat on a Leash Review

Cat on a Leash Review publishes flash fiction under 1,000 words and short fiction of 1,000 to 2,500 words. 

(ceased publication)

SQF: Why did you start this magazine?

Diane Gillette: It was something I wanted to do for a very long time, but it was a daunting task to start on my own. When A. A. Malina and I started our writing partnership I brought up that it was a dream of mine. From there, we started sharing ideas and realized we had a similar vision of what this literary magazine could be.

A. A.: Starting a literary magazine wasn't even on my radar until I met Diane, but when she mentioned she wanted to, I was immediately intrigued. Our shared passion for fiction made this a perfect partnership.

SQF: What are the top three things you look for in a submission and why?

D: We look for a lasting impression from the stories that we accept. It needs to be something that we keep thinking about long after we finish reading it.

A: We’re also looking for fresh approaches to storytelling. It can be a story we’ve heard before, but told in a way that surprises us.

D: We also really appreciate crisp, well-revised manuscripts.

A: Yeah, it’s common for writers to get eager and send a story out before it’s undergone enough revisions. We’ve turned away several stories that had a lot of potential, but just weren’t ready to be published yet. We often encourage writers to send us revisions of stories that we liked, though.

SQF: What most often turns you off to a submission?

D: Stories that seem too familiar, such as the classic love story, hard-boiled detective story, coming of age story, etc.

A: We also turn away anything that has blatant misogyny, racism, homophobia, etc., if it doesn’t serve a purpose in the story. For instance, it’s fine if it’s used to develop a character, but not if it’s just there for shock value or to demonstrate the author’s own bigotry.

SQF: Do you provide comments when you reject a submission?

D: We don’t usually have the time to offer comments, unfortunately, but occasionally when we feel a story has a lot of potential and we want the author to know there were aspects of the story we enjoyed, we will give a personalized rejection with encouragement to re-submit.

SQF: You recently published your first issue. What advice would offer someone considering starting their own publication?

D:  I wouldn’t recommend trying to do this on your own.  We found out early on that it is a lot of work, but fortunately we had each other to lean on and pick up the slack when one us got to busy with the rest of our life.  Having a partner you can count on makes this much more manageable.

A: It’s also a good idea to start during a vacation or break, so that you have plenty of time to work on it without distraction.

D: Oh, and set realistic deadlines.  Give yourself enough time to actually get plenty of submissions and choose qualities ones.  And don’t forget to use social media to your advantage!

SQF: What one question on this topic do you wish I'd asked that I didn't? And how would you answer it?

A: Well one aspect we didn’t cover was how we came up with the name of the literary magazine. We thought of it one day after going to a summer fest together. I was taking advantage of Diane’s air conditioning and endless supply of La Croix, talking about how I had tried to walk my cat, Nomar, on a leash the other day.

D: Then I suggested we call our lit mag Cat on a Leash Review.

A: I’d had the exact same thought at that moment, so it was immediately settled. Nomar became something of our mascot after that, particularly since he’s so photogenic.

D: Not that we’re crazy cat ladies or anything.

Thank you, Diane and A. A.. We all appreciate you taking time from your busy schedule to participate in this project.

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